Hello Again, It’s Been Such A Long Time…


Okay, so it’s been a long time since my last update and this blog has kind of died. But I’m going to make an effort to revive it and maybe switch it around a bit. (For real this time, I promise.) There are reasons for my absence. Mostly because, as always, life has invariably gotten in the way, not only because I have a full-time grown up job (for the time being at least) and for other more personal reasons which I don’t want to get into. (Because I don’t like blogging about personal stuff.) But also because I have had a complete lack of inspiration as far as this blog has been concerned.

That’s not to say that I haven’t been writing, I’ve done loads. I mean, I’ve managed to get into a cycle where I’ve been working on three different things; my novel, another story related to my novel (which needs to be stitched together in some way because it isn’t written in order) and a short story which is completely unrelated to the novel and may end up on here once I’ve actually finished it. So you see I have sort of got myself back into a writing routine despite the distractions of Minecraft, Netflix and work.


Looking back on my last post, I think I’ve done rather well regarding my New Years resolutions. (Probably the closest I’ve come to actually keeping them.) I mean ,I’ve gotten into a (semi) regular writing routine, (I now have a good incentive to get it finished, well forfeit) I’m halfway through my online course and I’m working on getting back into a regular blogging routine. As for The Silmarallion, I fully intend to read it once I’ve made my way through my pile of unread books. (Which seems to be getting smaller.)

Well, I think that’s enough of me blathering on, I’m sure that I’ll think of something more interesting to blog about other than my current lack of blogging in the future.